Sailing Programs

             PFD—Personal Flotation Device aka Life Jacket that is age & size appropriate

             Sunscreen—please apply in am; will be reapplied midday

             Hat with brim

             Tshirt that covers shoulders and that can get wet

             Water shoes

             Two bathing suits—one for river, one for pool

             Lunch & 2 snacks

             NO SODAS—caffeine can contribute to dehydration

             All possessions should be labeled with name

Tennis Programs

             All items as listed above AND the following…

             Tennis racket

             Tennis shoes (in addition to water shoes)

             Tshirt & shorts

             $ for snacks at Mears Marina (optional)



             All possessions should be labeled with name


Kids on  Boats & Mears Tennis will NOT be responsible for the administration of medication(s).  Arrangements must be made in advance for any special requests, including allergy and dietary needs.

What to Bring